Real Estate Sales Agreement
Indication of Real Estate
Indication of Entire Building
Address : ○○-○○, ○○○○○○ ○chome, ○○○○-ku
Name of Building : ○○ Residence
Structure : RC/steal frame building with flat roof of ○○ stories above and ○ stories under the ground
Total Floor Area : ○○○○.○○ ㎡
Indication of Exclusively-Owned Area in Building
Real Estate No. ○○○○○○○○
Building No. ○○○○○○○○
Name of Building :
Category : Residence
Structure : RC building of 1 story
Floor Area : ○○floor component (○○○.○○ ㎡ in register)
Includes equipment denoted as “Present” by the seller on the attached “Equipment Chart.” (Paragraph 13.1)
Ancillary Buildings 11. Present ■2. Not present
Indication of Land Subject to Site Rights
Code :1
Address and Lot Number : ○○-○○, ○○○○○○ ○chome, ○○○○-ku
Land Category : Residence
Acreage (In register) : ○○○○.○○ ㎡
Total (Registered 1 partition ) ○○○○○.○○m
Indication of Site Rights
Category of Site Rights : Ownership
Percentage of Site Rights ((Quasi-) Co-ownership interest) : ○○○○○○/○○○○○○○○
When the Category of Site Rights is Lease Rights (Superficies/Leaseholds)
Landowner : Address Name:
Purpose : To own a sound building Term : Until [Month] [Day], [Year]
Category : 1. Lease rights based on former law 2.Ordinary lease rights
Land rent : --- yen per month
Matters of Special Mention : Land Real Estate No.:
Blank hereinafter
Payment Due, Method of Payment, Etc.
Payment due (Paragraph 1) (Incl. ---- yen in consumption tax, etc.) :At the conclusion of agreement ¥○○○○○○yen
Deposit (Paragraph 2) Paid upon execution of this Agreement : ¥○○○○○○ yen
Down Payment (Paragraph 3)
First [Month] [Day], [Year] ----------------- yen
Second [Month] [Day], [Year] ----------------- yen
Remaining payment (Paragraph 3) January 28th, 2020 : ¥○○○○○○yen
Handover date (Paragraph 6) : ■1.Date that payment due is received in full 2.
Deposit release date (Paragraph : January 8th 2020
Amount of penalty (Paragraph 15.1) ■1.Amount of deposit 2.Equivalent to % of payment due 3.
Presence of loan usage (Paragraph 16) : 1.Present ■2.Not present
Loan application made to:
Loan approval acquired on: [Month] [Day], [Year] (Paragraph 16.2)
Loan amount : ----------------- yen
Agreement release date pursuant to special provisions on loan usage (Paragraph 16.2) : [Month] [Day], [Year]
Agreement release date pursuant to special provisions on leasehold transfer consent(Paragraph 17.2) : [Month] [Day], [Year]
Special Provisions
1. The Seller and the Buyer shall settle the fixed property tax etc. under the provisions of Article 11 of this Contract (Sharing of Taxes and Public Dues, Etc.) based on the amount of annual taxes for the fiscal year 20〇〇 and shall not make any adjustment even if any difference arises between the amount so settled and the amount of annual taxes for the fiscal year 20〇〇 at a later date.
2. The Seller and the Buyer shall confirm that the provision of Article 16 of this Contract (Special Provisions on Loan usage) shall not apply.
3. The Seller and the Buyer shall confirm that the provision of Article 17 of this Contract (Special Provisions when Site Rights are Leaseholds) shall not apply.
The seller, , and the buyer,
have hereby executed the real estate sales agreement indicated above (hereinafter referred to as “This Agreement”). In witness whereof, both parties have executed This Agreement in duplicate, whereby each party has retained one (1) copy each.
[Month] [Day], [Year]
[Seller] Address:
[Buyer] Address:
Paragraph 1: Subject of Sale and Payment Due
The Seller hereby sells the indicated sectionally-owned building (hereinafter referred to as “Building”) and its (quasi-) co-ownership interest in the land subject to the indicated site rights (hereinafter referred to as “Land;” “Building” and “Land” collectively referred to as “This Property”) to the Buyer for the indicated payment due (hereinafter referred as “Payment Due”), and the Buyer hereby purchases This Property.
Paragraph 2: Deposit
1. At the same time that This Agreement is executed, the Buyer shall pay the indicated deposit (hereinafter referred to as “Deposit”) to the Seller.
2. Upon the payment of the indicated remaining payment due (hereinafter referred to as “Remaining Payment Due”), the Seller and the Buyer shall allocate the Deposit to a portion of the Payment Due without interest.
Paragraph 3: Timing, Method, Etc. of Payment of Payment Due
The Buyer shall pay the indicated down payment (hereinafter referred to as “Down Payment”) and the Remaining Payment Due as the Payment Due to the Seller in the form of cash or a bank check by the indicated date of payment for both.
Paragraph 4: Area Subject to Sale
The Seller and the Buyer shall establish the area subject to sale at This Property as the indicated area. Each party shall refrain from requesting changes in the Payment Due or anything else even should disparities arise between the indicated area and area according to measurement.
Paragraph 5: Timing of Transfer of Ownership Rights, Etc.
The ownership rights for This Property (ownership rights for the Building and lease rights for the site when the category of site rights is lease rights) shall be transferred from the Seller to the Buyer when the Buyer has paid the Payment Due to the Seller in full, and the Seller has received said payment.
Paragraph 6: Handover
1. The Seller shall hand over This Property to the Buyer on the indicated handover date.
2. Upon the handover of This Property, the Seller and Buyer shall prepare documents stating the date that said handover was complete (hereinafter referred to as “Handover Completion Date.”).
Paragraph 7: Settlement of Mortgage, Etc.
The Seller, at its own liability and expense, shall eliminate and/or settle any and all burden that inhibits the total exercise of ownership rights, etc. by the Buyer with respect to This Property regardless of the name or form of that burden, be it a lien, mortgage or other security interest, superficies, a leasehold or other usufruct, by the date of transfer of the ownership rights, etc. under Paragraph 5.
Paragraph 8: Registration, Etc. of Transfer of Ownership Rights, Etc.
1. At the same time it receives the Payment Due in full, the Seller shall carry out application procedures for registering the transfer of ownership rights, etc. to the Buyer’s name.
2. Expenses necessitated by the aforementioned registration shall be borne by the Buyer. However, expenses in cases requiring the registration of changes in the name and address of the registered holder of the ownership rights, etc. of This Property shall be borne by the Seller.
Paragraph 9: Loss or Damage Prior to Completion of Handover
1. Prior to the completion of the handover of This Property, should This Property be lost or damaged due to a natural disaster or other reason not attributable to the Seller or the Buyer, and said occurrence makes the performance of This Agreement impossible, the Seller and the Buyer reserve the right to cancel This Agreement by notifying the other party in writing. However, when it is possible to restore This Property, the Seller shall restore and hand over This Property at its own liability and expense.
2. Should This Agreement be canceled through the above, the Seller shall promptly return monies already received to the Buyer without interest.
Paragraph 10: Report on Status of Property, Etc.
The Seller shall explain the status, etc. of This Property to the Buyer at the time of the execution of This Agreement by stating it on a separate “Report on Status of Property, Etc.”
Paragraph 11: Sharing of Taxes and Public Dues, Etc.
With respect to earnings that arise from This Property or fixed property taxes, urban planning taxes and/or other taxes and public dues imposed on This Property as well as management expenses and other costs including but not limited to gas, water and electricity charges, the Seller and Buyer shall establish that amounts of the foregoing dated up to the day prior to the Handover Completion Date constitute earnings or costs belonging to the Seller, and that amounts on or after the Handover Completion Date constitute earnings or costs belonging to the Buyer. Said amounts shall be settled on the Handover Completion Date. Moreover, the computation start date for taxes and public dues shall be January 1.
Paragraph 12: Liability for Defects
1. The Seller shall be liable only for the following latent defects in the exclusively-owned area in the Building. The Seller shall not, however, be liable for any other defects in the Building and land or defects whose cause lies in common areas.
(1) Rain leakage
(2) Termite damage
(3) Broken water supply pipes
Moreover, upon discovering the aforementioned defects at This Property, the Buyer must promptly notify the Seller of said defects and provide the Seller with an opportunity to be present upon repairs of said defects with the exception of those that require urgent repairs.
2. The Seller shall be liable for the aforementioned defects to the extent that the Seller has received claims for them within three (3) months since the Handover Completion Date. Moreover, the Seller shall only be liable for repairs. The Buyer may only issue claims to the Seller for repairs with respect to the aforementioned defects, and may not nullify or cancel This Agreement nor issue claims with respect to said defects.
3. The scope, of repairs, etc. of defects in the Building as mentioned above are as stated under “Scope of Repairs, Etc. to Building” under the attached “Scope of Repairs, Etc.”
4. Even if the Seller is unaware of the presence of defects stipulated in 1. above at the time This Agreement is executed, the Seller shall bear the liability stipulated in this Paragraph. However, should the Buyer be aware of the presence of defects stipulated in 1. above at the time This Agreement is executed, the Seller shall not bear the liability stipulated in this Paragraph.
Paragraph 13: Handover and Restoration of Equipment
1. The Seller shall hand over the equipment marked with a “Present” in the “Presence of Equipment” column within the attached “Equipment List” to the Buyer.
2. The Seller shall hand over the equipment stipulated in 1. above to the Buyer in useable condition provided that said equipment constitutes “Main Equipment” marked with a “Not Present” in the “Malfunction or Defects” column.
3. The Seller shall bear liability for the “Main Equipment” stipulated in 2. above provided that the Seller receives a claim regarding a malfunction or defects in that equipment within seven (7) days of the Handover Completion Date. Moreover, the nature of that liability shall be limited to repairs, the scope, etc. of which shall be in accordance with the “Scope of Repairs, Etc. to Building” under the attached “Scope of Repairs, Etc.”
4. The Seller shall not repair “Other Equipment” outside of “Main Equipment” or “Main Equipment” marked with a “Present” in the “Malfunction or Defects” column even if said equipment contains a malfunction or defects.
Paragraph 14: Release of Deposit
1. The Seller and the Buyer reserve the right to cancel This Agreement by notifying the other party in writing provided that the cancellation takes place by the indicated deposit release date.
2. The Seller, upon cancelling This Agreement in accordance with 1. above, must return the deposit and other monies already received to the Buyer without interest, and pay monies in an amount identical to the deposit. The Buyer, upon cancelling This Agreement in accordance with 1. above, must forfeit its claims on the return of the deposit already paid to the Seller.
Paragraph 15: Cancellation and Penalty Due to Violation of Agreement
1. When the other party fails to perform its obligations under This Agreement, after making a formal demand in writing to the other party that it perform its obligations, the Seller or the Buyer reserves the right to issue a claim for the payment of the indicated penalty (hereinafter referred to as “Penalty”). Moreover, regardless of the extent of the damage that was actually incurred, neither the Seller nor the Buyer may request that the other party increase or decrease the amount of the Penalty.
2. The payment of the Penalty and settlement shall be conducted in the following fashion.
(1) Should the Seller violate This Agreement, in addition to promptly returning monies already received to the Buyer without interest, the Seller shall pay the Penalty to the Buyer.
(2) Should the Buyer violate This Agreement, in instances when the Penalty is greater than monies already paid, the Buyer shall promptly pay the difference between the two to the Seller. In instances when the Penalty is less than monies already paid, the Seller shall deduct an amount equivalent to the Penalty from monies already received and promptly return the balance to the Buyer without interest.
Paragraph 16: Special Provisions on Loan Usage
1. When using the indicated loans for the Payment Due, the Buyer shall promptly conduct application procedures for those loans after the execution of This Agreement.
2. Should it not be possible to obtain approval for all or part of the amount of the abovementioned loans by the indicated loan approval acquisition date, or said approval is denied, the Buyer reserves the right to cancel This Agreement, provided said cancellation takes place by the indicated agreement cancellation date.
3. Should This Agreement be cancelled as a result of the foregoing, the Seller shall promptly return monies already received to the Buyer without interest.
Paragraph 17: Special Provisions when Site Rights are Leaseholds
1. When the category of the site rights in question is leasehold, the Seller shall acquire a landowner’s Leasehold Transfer Consent Form in order to transfer that leasehold to the Buyer. Moreover, consent fees shall be borne by the Seller.
2. In instances where it is not possible to issue the aforementioned Leasehold Transfer Consent Form, after notifying the Buyer in writing, the Seller reserves the right to cancel This Agreement provided said cancellation takes place by the agreement cancellation date pursuant to the special provisions of the indicated leasehold transfer consent.
3. In instances where it cancels This Agreement as a result of the foregoing, the Seller shall promptly return monies already received to the Buyer without interest.
Paragraph 18: Cost Classification for Revenue Stamp
The Seller and the Buyer shall affix the revenue stamp designated by the law to the respective copies of This Agreement in their retention at their own expense.
Paragraph 19: Homeowner Association, Etc.
1. Should stipulations by a homeowner association, etc. exist for This Property, the Seller shall issue documents stating those stipulations to the Buyer by the time handover of This Property is completed.
2. The Seller shall succeed all obligations stipulated by the abovementioned homeowner association, etc. to the Buyer, and the Buyer shall inherit said obligations.
Paragraph 20: Exceptions in Instances Where There Are Multiple Contractees
In instances where there are multiple sellers, multiple buyers, or both, the obligations under This Agreement shall be joint and several obligations. Additionally, notices regarding This Agreement shall enter effect for all contractees when a notice reaches one of those contractees.
Paragraph 21: Agreed Jurisdiction
The Seller and Buyer agree that the court of jurisdiction for This Agreement shall be the court with jurisdiction over the address of This Property.
Paragraph 22: Duty of Consultation for Matters Not Stipulated
The Seller and the Buyer shall consult with each other over matters not stipulated in This Agreement in good faith in accordance with the Civil Code, laws pertaining to the sectional ownership of buildings, etc., other related laws and regulations and real estate business practices.
Paragraph 23: Clauses on Elimination of Anti-Social Forces
1. The Seller and the Buyer hereby affirm the following items to the other party.
(1) That they do not constitute a crime syndicate, an enterprise related to a crime syndicate, a racketeer, an equivalent party or a member of such (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Anti-Social Forces”).
(2) That their officers (refers to employees, directors, executive officers and equivalent parties who execute operations) do not constitute Anti-Social Forces.
(3) That they will not be executing This Agreement while lending their name to Anti-Social Forces.
(4) That they will not engage in the following acts with respect to This Agreement either personally or through the offices of a third-party until either the handover of This Property or the payment of the Payment Due in full has been completed.
i. Threatening physical or verbal acts or acts of violence towards the other party
ii. Fraudulent or forcible acts that interfere with the business of the other party or acts that serve to discredit or damage the other party
2. Should one of the following apply to either the Seller or the Buyer, the other party reserves the right to cancel This Agreement without the need to issue any kind of formal notice.
i. The Seller or the Buyer is found to have made a report that runs counter to its affirmation under (1) or (2) above.
ii. The Seller or the Buyer is found to have executed an agreement that runs counter to its affirmation under (3) above.
iii. The Seller or the Buyer committed an act that runs counter to its affirmation under (4) above.
3. The Buyer affirms to the Seller that it will not supply This Property as an office or other base of activity for Anti-Social Forces either personally or through the offices of a third party.
4. Should the Buyer commit an act that runs counter to the foregoing, the Seller reserves the right to cancel This Agreement without the need to issue any kind of formal notice.
5. Should This Agreement be canceled pursuant to the provisions of 2. or 4. above, the non-cancelling party shall pay a penalty (as scheduled compensation for damages) to the cancelling party in an amount equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the Payment Due.
6. Should This Agreement be cancelled pursuant to the provisions of 2. or 4. above, the non-cancelling party shall not have the right to issue any form of claim to the other party for damages arising from said cancellation.
7. In cases where this Agreement is cancelled pursuant to the provisions of 2. or 4. above, the associated cancellation and penalty shall be in accordance with the provisions of 2., 4., 5. and 6. above. The provisions of Paragraph 15.1 above shall not apply.
8. Should the Buyer violate the provisions of 3. above and is found to have supplied This Property as an office or base of activity for Anti-Social Forces, in instances where the Seller cancels This Agreement pursuant to the provisions of 4. above, the Buyer shall also pay a penalty separate of the one stipulated in 5. above as a fine equivalent to eighty percent (80%) of the Payment Due. However, this shall not apply in cases when the real estate dealer is also the Seller and a non-real estate dealer is the Buyer.
(日本文 オリジナル版)
第 1 条 売主は、買主に対し、表記区分所有建物(以下「建物」という。)および表記敷地権の目的たる土地の(準)共有持分(以下「土地」といい、建物および土地を総称して以下「本物件」という。)を表記売買代金(以下「売買代金」という。)で売渡し、買主は、これを買受けました。
第 2 条 買主は、売主に対し、表記手付金(以下「手付金」という。)を本契約締結と同時に支払います。
2 売主、買主は、手付金を表記残代金(以下「残代金」という。)支払いのときに、売買代金の一部に無利息にて充当します。
第 3 条 買主は、売主に対し、売買代金として、表記内金(以下「内金」という。)、残代金を表記各支払日までに現金または預金小切手をもって支払います。
第 4 条 売主、買主は、本物件の売買対象面積を表記面積とし、同面積が測量による面積と差異が生じたとしても、互いに売買代金の変更その他何らの請求もしません。
第 5 条 本物件の所有権(敷地権の種類が借地権のときは、建物の所有権と敷地に関する借地権)は、買主が売主に対して売買代金全額を支払い、売主がこれを受領した時に売主から買主に移転します。
第 6 条 売主は、買主に対し、本物件を表記引渡日に引渡します。
2 売主、買主は、本物件の引渡しに際し、引渡しを完了した日(以下「引渡完了日」という。)を記載した書面を作成します。
第 7 条 売主は、買主に対し、本物件について、第 5 条の所有権等の移転時期までにその責任と負担において、先取特権、抵当権等の担保権、地上権、賃借権等の用益権その他名目形式の如何を問わず、買主の完全な所有権等の行使を阻害する一切の負担を除去抹消します。
第 8 条 売主は、買主に対し、売買代金全額の受領と同時に本物件について、買主の名義に所有権等の移転登記申請手続をします。
2 前項の登記申請に要する費用は、買主の負担とします。ただし、本物件に関する所有権等の登記名義人の住所、氏名の変更登記を要する場合の費用は、売主の負担とします。
第 9 条 売主、買主は、本物件の引渡し完了前に天災地変、その他売主、買主いずれの責にも帰すことのできない事由により、本物件が滅失または毀損して本契約の履行が不可能となったとき、互いに書面により通知して、本契約を解除することができます。ただし、修復が可能なとき、売主は、買主に対し、その責任と負担において修復して引渡します。
2 前項により本契約が解除されたとき、売主は、買主に対し、受領済みの金員を無利息にてすみやかに返還します。
第 10 条 売主は、買主に対し、本物件について、本契約締結時における状況等を別紙「物件状況等報告書」に記載して説明します。
第 11 条 売主、買主は、本物件から生ずる収益または本物件に対して賦課される固定資産税、都市計画税等の公租公課ならびに管理費等、ガス、水道、電気料金および各種負担金等の諸負担について、引渡完了日の前日までの分を売主の収益または負担とし、引渡完了日以降の分を買主の収益または負担として、引渡完了日において清算します。なお、公租公課の起算日は 1 月 1 日とします。
第 12 条 売主は、買主に対し、建物の専有部分における次の隠れたる瑕疵についてのみ責任を負い、それ以外の建物の瑕疵および土地の瑕疵ならびに共用部分に原因がある瑕疵について、責任を負いません。
(1) 雨漏り
(2) シロアリの害
(3) 給排水管の故障
2 売主は、買主に対し、前項の瑕疵について、引渡完了日から 3 カ月以内に請求を受けたものにかぎり、責任を負います。なお、責任の内容は、修復にかぎるものとし、買主は、売主に対し、前項の瑕疵について、修復の請求以外、本契約の無効、解除または損害賠償の請求をすることはできません。
3 前項の建物の瑕疵の修復範囲等は、別表(修復範囲等)中「建物の修復範囲等」の記載によります。
4 売主は、買主に対し、本契約締結時に第 1 項の瑕疵の存在を知らなくても、本条の責任を負いますが、買主が本契約締結時に第 1項の瑕疵の存在を知っていたときは、売主は本条の責任を負いません。
第 13 条 売主は、買主に対し、別紙「設備表」中「設備の有無」欄に「有」とした各設備を引渡します。
2 売主は、買主に対し、前項により引渡す設備のうち、「故障・不具合」欄に「無」とした「主要設備」にかぎり、使用可能な状態で引渡します。
3 売主は、買主に対し、前項の「主要設備」について、引渡完了日から 7 日以内に請求を受けた故障・不具合にかぎり、責任を負います。なお、その責任の内容は修復にかぎるものとし、その修復の範囲等は、別表(修復範囲等)中「設備の修復範囲等」の記載によります。
4 売主は、買主に対し、「主要設備」以外の「その他の設備」および「主要設備」のうち「故障・不具合」欄に「有」とした「主要設備」については、故障・不具合があったとしてもその修復をしません。
第 14 条 売主、買主は、本契約を表記手付解除期日までであれば、互いに書面により通知して、解除することができます。
2 売主が前項により本契約を解除するときは、売主は、買主に対し、手付金等受領済みの金員を無利息にて返還し、かつ手付金と同額の金員を支払わなければなりません。買主が前項により本契約を解除するときは、買主は、売主に対し、支払い済みの手付金の返還請求を放棄します。
第 15 条 売主、買主は、その相手方が本契約にかかる債務の履行を怠ったとき、その相手方に対し、書面により債務の履行を催告したうえで、本契約を解除して表記違約金(以下「違約金」という。)の支払いを請求することができます。なお、違約金に関し、現に生じた損害額の多寡を問わず、相手方に違約金の増減を請求することができません。
2 違約金の支払い、清算は次のとおりおこないます。
(1) 売主が違約した場合、売主は、買主に対し、すみやかに受領済みの金員を無利息にて返還するとともに、違約金を支払います。
(2) 買主が違約した場合、違約金が支払い済みの金員を上回るときは、買主は、売主に対し、すみやかにその差額を支払い、支払い済みの金員が違約金を上回るときは、売主は、買主に対し、受領済みの金員から違約金相当額を控除して、すみやかに残額を無利息にて返還します。
第 16 条 買主は、売買代金に関して、表記融資金を利用するとき、本契約締結後すみやかにその融資の申込み手続をします。
2 表記融資承認取得期日までに、前項の融資の全部または一部の金額につき承認が得られないとき、または否認されたとき、買主は、売主に対し、表記契約解除期日までであれば、本契約を解除することができます。
3 前項により本契約が解除されたとき、売主は、買主に対し、受領済みの金員を無利息にてすみやかに返還します。
第 17 条 売主は、敷地権の種類が賃借権のとき、当該賃借権を買主に譲渡することについて、土地所有者の賃借権譲渡承諾書を取得します。なお、承諾料は売主の負担とします。
2 前項の賃借権譲渡承諾書を交付できないとき、売主は、買主に対し、本契約を表記賃借権譲渡承諾の特約に基づく契約解除期日までであれば、書面による通知のうえ解除することができます。
3 前項により本契約を解除したとき、売主は、買主に対し、受領済みの金員を無利息にてすみやかに返還します。
第 18 条 売主、買主は、各自が保有する本契約書にその負担において法令所定の印紙を貼付します。
第 19 条 売主は、買主に対し、本物件の管理規約等の定めがある場合には、それを記載した書面を引渡し完了時までに交付します。
2 売主は、前項の管理規約等で定められた義務のすべてを買主に継承させ、買主はこれを承継します。
第 20 条 売主、買主の一方または双方が複数のとき、本契約に関する債務は連帯債務とします。また、本契約に関する通知は、複数の当事者のうちの一人に到達したときに、その全員に効力を生じます。
第 21 条 売主、買主は、本契約に関する管轄裁判所を本物件所在地を管轄する裁判所とします。
第 22 条 本契約書に定めのない事項については、民法、建物の区分所有等に関する法律、その他関係法規および不動産取引の慣行に従い、売主、買主互いに誠意をもって協議します。
第 23 条 売主、買主は、その相手方に対し、次の各号の事項を確約します。
(1) 自らが、暴力団 、暴力団関係企業、総会屋もしくはこれらに準ずる者またはその構成員(以下総称して「反社会的勢力」という。)ではないこと。
(2) 自らの役員(業務を執行する社員、取締役、執行役またはこれらに準ずる者をいう。)が反社会的勢力ではないこと。
(3) 反社会的勢力に自己の名義を利用させ、本契約を締結するものでないこと。
(4) 本物件の引渡しおよび売買代金全額の支払いのいずれもが終了するまでの間に、自らまたは第三者を利用して、本契約に関して次の行為をしないこと。
ア 相手方に対する脅迫的な言動または暴力を用いる行為
イ 偽計または威力を用いて相手方の業務を妨害し、または信用を毀損する行為
2 売主、買主の一方について、次のいれかに該当した場合には、その相手方は、何らの催告を要せずして、本契約を解除することができます。
ア 前項(1)または(2)の確約に反する申告をしたことが判明した場合
イ 前項(3)の確約に反し契約をしたことが判明した場合
ウ 前項(4)の確約に反した行為をした場合
3 買主は、売主に対し、自らまたは第三者をして本物件を反社会的勢力の事務所その他の活動の拠点に供しないことを確約します
4 売主は、買主が前項に反した行為をした場合には、何らの催告を要せずして、本契約を解除することができます。
5 第2項または前項の規定により本契約が解除された場合には、解除された者は、その相手方に対し、違約金(損害賠償額の予定)として売買代金の20%相当額を支払います。
6 第2項または第4項の規定により本契約が解除された場合には、解除された者は、解除により生じる損害について、その相手方に対し一切の請求をすることができません。
7 第2項または第4項の規定により本契約が解除された場合の解除および違約金については、第2項、第4項、第5項および前項の規定によるものとし、第15条第1項は適用しません。
8 買主が第3項の規定に違反し、本物件を反社会的勢力の事務所その他の活動の拠点に供したと認められる場合において、売主が第4項の規定により本契約を解除するときは、買主は売主に対し、第5項の違約金に加え、売買代金の80%相当額の違約罰を制裁金として支払います。ただし、宅地建物取引業者が自ら売主となり、かつ宅地建物取引業者でない者が買主となる場合は、本項は適用しません。
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